Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Patience is a virtue....Not right now it isn't

To my one follower (my sister)-

I must apologize to you for my silence these past few months. I really haven't had anything to say or seen any movies that are really easy to blog about. Don't get me wrong, dear reader, I have seen some really good movies but to get my review from my twisted mind and out into the virtual world is a little difficult.

I will get better at this and hope these will come a little more frequently because life is calming down a bit for me. Thanks for you patience.


  1. I am not your only reader!!! You would be surprised to know how many people actually hit your blog...even if it is through mine! ;0)

  2. She's right, she's not your only reader. :o) I have you on my toolbar and check it each day to see if you've posted. Glad you're back!!

  3. thanks guys....it feels good to be back. :)
