Wednesday, December 30, 2009
You do know what you're drinking is meant for eye surgery?
Friday, November 27, 2009
If you look for it, I've got a sneaking suspicion... love actually is all around.

1. Love Actually - Everything great Britain has to offer. If you haven't seen this movie I recommend it highly!!
3. Christmas in Connecticut - Old school sweet. I love cases of mistaken identity.
4. White Christmas - Well.....there you are.
5. It's a Wonderful Life - Can't be a holiday list without it.
Well, this is the first of many holiday lists......have fun, and pass it on.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Well, it's not good, but it's a reason.
This had the potential to be a pretty neat movie. Had it been written correctly, it might have been interesting instead of convoluted.
Bruce Willis plays a FBI agent in a world that doesn't seem to need agents. He and his partner are sent out to investigate a murder... the first murder in close to ten years. The reason there haven't been any murders is because close to 98% of the world's population is living life through a life-like robot that is controlled remotely by their minds. The "surrogates" allow humans to do and act however they please with no consequences. If your surri gets shot, you repair it. Hit by a car, replace it. You spend your day in bed and send your surri out into the world to live your life. There is no sickness or disease because robots don't get sick, and you are hermetically sealed in your apartment/house where nothing can touch you.
I know what you are thinking... all you germophobes and hand sanitizer junkies out there. Gee, that sounds like a really great plan! No more flu.... no more people in the office hacking on me, "forgetting" to wash their hands after they potty... etc etc. But one interesting point that is raised in the movie is... how do you know who anyone really is? See, your "surri" doesn't have to look like you; in fact, Willis' partner is actually stunned to find out that he looks a lot like his surrogate. How do you know that your new best girlfriend to whom you are confiding all your secrets, isn't a teenage boy? Or that the man that you met in the bar is a butch gal looking for a good time? You think it's bad that you don't know who you are talking to on the internet? Imagine if you couldn't even trust your eyes.
There is also a small population that is fighting back. These people live on reservations and are called dregs. These people are violent, angry and hide behind religion (like a lot of so-called "religious" zealots). The dregs have been given a weapon that kills the surrogates AND the user.
So you see, no one is really right in this movie and it boils down to just a combination of Die Hard, The Matrix, I,Robot and Demolition Man all rolled into one movie. Sit down and watch all these movies in any particular order and you will know about as much as I do after watching just this one movie... and probably have more fun!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thank you for making me a part of this!
This is my first Music Monday so....
Because all the really great and cheesy Christmas movies are on these next few weeks here is a song from one of my favorite. The Muppet's Christmas Carol is one of the finest Dickens re-tellings out there and as a child of the 80's I just can't get enough of the Muppets. I submit to you my favorite song from this movie....
Now that everyone is full of Christmas cheer (and perhaps wants to slit their wrists. :>) Join in the fun and visit Keeping up with the Kellys to post your own Music Monday.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Great balls of fire. Don't bother me anymore, and don't call me sugar.

You know, your mood swings are kinda giving me whiplash
If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link on Kailani's blog. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The trouble with some people is they work too hard.
You make your point as delicately as ever, Mr. Pelt.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
And now for something completely different
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I will love you my whole life...You and no other
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
l don't read books, because if they're any good they'll make 'em into a miniseries.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Chocolate coating makes it go down easier....
Saturday, October 31, 2009
As I expected. "Mary Poppins, practically perfect in every way."
As a child I was a nut for books and movies. Some might say I was just a nut, and they are mostly right...who else but a nut would devote an entire blog to their perverse love of all things cinematic. But I digress....

Friday, October 30, 2009
I'm sure he wouldn't. Not during a tech rehearsal.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Look, I... I may not be an explorer, or an adventurer, or a treasure-seeker, or a gunfighter, Mr. O'Connell, but I am proud of what I am.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
You like me...You REALLY Like me

1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you have recently discovered and think are great. Remember to contact those bloggers you have awarded to let them know they have been chosen for the award.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Patience is a virtue....Not right now it isn't
Friday, July 24, 2009
I like baseball, movies, good clothes, whiskey, fast cars... and you. What else you need to know?
I am lucky enough to be married to a proud movie nerd such as myself, so going to the movies is not necessarily a chore for him. we are able to see a lot of the movies that come out in the big seasons (summer, fall, Christmas). So this year we have seen quite a bit of the blockbusters that have raided our movie theaters and TV set. This should be the first of several movie reviews that will be coming.
As most of you have guessed from the above quote, I'm going to talk a little bit about Public Enemies. This was the much hyped Michael Mann summer blockbuster starring the two big summer smash stars Johnny Depp and Christian Bale. Unlike a lot of over hyped summer movies (
For those of you who may not know, this is the story of the rise and fall of the Dillinger gang. John Dillinger, played by Depp, was declared Public Enemy #1 by the head of the FBI at the time, J Edgar Hoover, played by, one of my favorites, Billy Crudup . A lot of historical liberties have been taken to make it a more interesting story, but it is delightful all the same. Hoover sends his best man to bring in Dillinger. This is a young gunslinger by the name of Melvin Purvis (Bale). Unfortunately, Purvis is incapable of thinking like a criminal and needs to bring in help from Texas.
The story itself has always captured the American public's heart. we love our gangsters. Our own Robin Hoods as it were, with larger than life personalities and devil may care smiles, they have always been played by some of the best Hollywood has to offer. (Gable, Cagney, Flynn) Add Depp to that list and you have it rounded it out, but this picture offered us something more.
There seemed to be no good or bad guy. Everyone had on gray hats. Each had their own trouble and their own demons, and neither ened well.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Margaret, will you marry me? Because I'd like to date you.
My case in point is the movie that I dragged my baby sister, Etta, to this past week.

For those of you who don't know, the premise for this movie is; Sandra Bullock is Margaret Tate, a poor excuse for a human being that uses fear and blackmail to get whatever it is that she wants. Ryan Reynolds is Andrew Paxton, her long suffering assistant who is hanging in there waiting for his big break, that he is convinced she will give him if he does everything right. Margaret is Canadian, and about to be deported because she willingly broke the law because she honestly didn't think anyone would care. Faced with losing her job, she blackmails Andrew into agreeing to marry her to keep her in this country. Since her family is all dead, they must convince the federal government and Andrew's family that they are in love, so they travel to Alaska for Andrew's grandmother's birthday. Let the fun begin.
This movie had a lot of potential, because once they get to Alaska, you find out why it is that Andrew is willing to endure all that Margaret dishes out. Andrew's father, Joe, (played by Craig T. Nelson) is just a big a bully as Margaret. So, I guess he is kinda used to it. This is not explored enough to make it a major part of the movie, however, I thought it an interesting twist. The Paxton Family is still very loving and fun, even with the jerk father, and it is always fun to watch Betty White still be funny even into her 80's.
Although I did enjoy this movie, it is very hard to believe. Sandra Bullock is so soft looking and has such a sweet, expressive face that it is hard for it not to show how much she doesn't like being who she is, and maybe that is the point. Another unbelievable aspect is, in the words of Etta, WHO doesn't want to marry Ryan Reynolds?!?!? Are we really sure this wasn't contrived so that she could wiggle her way into his life? I think maybe Etta would.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
You guys want to see a dead body?

The problem with the library is that there are never enough copies of a book to go around. We have been reading the Stephen Fry Harry Potter series and have just finished Goblet of Fire and returned it when we realize that Order of the Phoenix is still checked out. Devastation and depression follow with a lot of pouting (I’m not really good on patience) so to console me Nick picks up The Body by Stephen King
Until I married Nick, you couldn’t pay me to read a Stephen King novel. My sister, Casy, reads King’s novels and loves them but she and I have very different personalities. She contemplated become a vet at one time, and doesn’t seem to mind if the walls bleed. I, however, couldn’t walk into our living room on Christmas morning because there was some really large blow up animal looking over the back of our sofa and instead of turning on the light to see what it was…I ran to get Casy. Did I mention that Casy is 4 years YOUNGER than me? I AM A CHICKEN…I know it and it is high time for the rest of the world to know it too. So being a chicken means that I don’t read Stephen King novels, and didn’t have any idea what they were about except that they were nightmares-for-a-week-because-something-is-under-your-bed scary.
As my husband and I really began to know each other (favorite movies, books, authors, likes, dislikes…) I mentioned that some of my favorite movies are Stand By Me (mostly because Wil Wheaton and River Phoenix are so great in it) and The Shawshank Redemption. He looked at me like I had grown a third head and said “but….you hate Stephen King” Now it was my turn…”what on earth does that crazy horror-monger have to do with this current conversation?” It was then that he tossed me an old, battered, well loved copy of Different Season. “Read it.” He said “I think you will like it.” It took me a week to get up the courage to read it, but once I did…WOW! I can’t believe what I had been missing.
Stephen King is such a gifted story teller that I began to understand why he was a best selling author. He is so articulate and descriptive (that is sometimes the problem) that you get the sense that you know that character or have known that person at one time in your life. I guess it just goes to show that you REALLY can’t judge a book by it’s cover…or it's author in this case.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
And when it's all said and done there will be a little piece of immortality with Jackson's good looks and my sense of style, I hope.

Emmy is 10 months old today and quite a handful. She is the only daughter of my sister Casy and her husband Hank, and the most beautiful baby in the world if I do say so myself. Now E has an affinity for cell phones (she has already tried to reprogram her mother’s blackberry) and if you leave it lying around she will find it. Her mother warned us when we got there not to leave anything on the floor, on the table…well let’s just say if you like it don’t set it down. Not as soon as I walked through the door I put my purse down and Emmy, knowing that cell phones can be found in purses, started looking for it. She crawled over to the bag, sat down beside it and put her hand inside feeling around. She never took her eyes off the room because, since her parents haven’t provided her with a look out yet, she has to be her own sentry. She never found the cell phone pocket and was soon thwarted in her task. Later on however, Aunt Carly is silly and takes the phone out and leaves it on the end table beside the sofa she is sitting on….JACK POT!!!
Emily is a resourceful little thing and having seen the Blackjack unguarded she makes her move. She crawls over to the table and pulls up on it. Never taking her eyes off Aunt Carly, she inches her little hand closer to the phones location. When I catch her, she jerks her hand back and grins up at me (showing all six of her teeth) as if to say “I no did it!” This is a fun little game we are playing until the movie gets too interesting for me to pay close attention to my sweet niece. As soon as my attention is turned back to the movie, her chubby little hand starts toward the device again this time…SUCCESS!!! She plops down on the floor and proceeds to try and text her friend Asher (the keys are locked so until she becomes a code cracker the phone bill is safe…at least for the next month or so). Finding that he is not answering her she decides to try a new technique… she licks it.
So, guys and dolls, this is why the only thing I know about Taken is that Liam Neeson beats up A LOT of people in really cool ways to save his daughter from slave traders. Now I know why people have kids…they are so much more interesting.
Monday, June 8, 2009
That's What I Love about High School Girls...
Last week I saw the movie Ghost of Girlfriends Past. Yes, sports fans, I actually paid for an overpriced ticket and watched ANOTHER Matthew McConaughey romantic comedy. What can I say; I love 'im.
This movie is a re imagining of a Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. However, it could have been called Wooderson goes to a Wedding and saved everyone the trouble. On the eve of his brother's nuptials, Connor Mead does and says everything wrong (or right, depending on your perspective of marriage!) and single-handedly destroys the wedding. As in Dickens, he is visited by 3 ghosts to help him see the error of his ways. Insanity ensues.
I didn't really have high hopes for this fluff, so to say I was pleasantly surprised isn't saying much. The banter is witty, the 80's musical montages were enjoyable and Jennifer Garner is always lovely. I just have a couple of problems.
Who are these women that he hooks up with?!?!? These emotional wrecks that "fall in love" with a sleaze bag after a drink and a one night stand, do they exist? Because if they do, line 'em up! I would like to smack each one in turn for giving sane rational women a BAD name. The lines that Connor spouts...eeck!! Do they really work? I don't care what he looks like, THEY make my skin crawl. I totally get why Jenny loves him. She KNOWS him. But these other women... HELLO, really?!?! I love my husband but it took knowing him for close to 5 years and dating him for 2 for me to fall in love (real love). I guess I'm not that easy.
Also, I get it... this is a remake of A Christmas Carol. PLEASE stop beating me over the head with it. If the line doesn't fit... don't use it. No matter how clever you think you are being, it's just dumb. Case in point, after all is said and done Connor wakes up, pokes his head out the window to sees a young man shoveling the side walk and asks "Hey, you there, boy. What day is it? Is it Christmas? Have I missed it?" Did that make sense to you? Me neither.
Like I said, it was cute and likable, thanks to Jennifer Garner, but when is Matt really gonna grow up, and would we like him if he did?
Friday, June 5, 2009
There was abuse in my family, but it was mostly musical in nature.
Around this time of year I really start to miss my childhood. Now is the time in Frankfort that we let our crazies out of their pens and take them all downtown. Some call it Holmes Street Mardi Gras, some call it redneck round-up, officially it is called Capitol Expo. It is also the kick off to summer. Now I say all this to say that my father's band was kinda a staple at Expo every year.

Now I was the oldest of three girls (altogether now, "Poor Daddy") so it was my job to be the unofficial roadie. This was a job that I could really get behind. I got to take the instruments from the van (mini-van, that is) and carry them BACKSTAGE. I know, right!?!?! How cool was I?!?!?
Have you ever seen the movie A Mighty Wind? Yeah well, I knew those people. They were all backstage at my da's concerts.
Sadly, my dad doesn't play much anymore. I really miss that life. Now had I been even the least bit intelligent I would have learned to play an instrument that paid, and it wouldn't have had to end. But, that is a tale for another time. Some kids miss the summer camps, some kids miss the summer vacations.... I miss my job as a roadie with a string band. Draw your own conclusions.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Today is a good day to die....
This will be my first attempt at blogging. I never really thought that I had much to say in the way of importance, but my husband thinks that I might enjoy sharing my feelings. (I think it is because he doesn't want to be the only one in the family with a blog) So, in light of today's Hollywood tragedy, I thought (probably like David) "Today is just as good a day as any I suppose!"
Now don't get me wrong, I like David. It is very sad when someone decides to take his own life. That being said he was 72 years old, found hanging naked in a Bangkok hotel closet.
Those are just my thoughts, I never said I was kind.