Thursday, November 19, 2009

You make your point as delicately as ever, Mr. Pelt.

Thank You Very Much

FREE THERAPY! FREE THERAPY! That's right, Kmama is offering up some free therapy in her Thank You Very Much Thursday post. Who couldn't use some free therapy? I know I could. If you could as well, type up your thank you's, post 'em out on your blog, come on over to The Daily Dribbles and link up!

Here goes....

To my regional consultants, who blame everything on Frankfort state office. I would like to thank you for your insightfully clever emails that make everyone feel so warm and fuzzy inside. I know that it sometimes seems that we here in our ivory towers enact policies just to make your life more difficult...... but I promise we don't. Thanks again......

To 'traveling evangelists', who don't have churches of your own because you are so busy sticking your nose spreading the gospel to the masses. You make board meetings so much more fun and you hurt your cause more often than you help thanks.

Wow...that really is therapeutic....


  1. Thanks for linking up. I laughed out loud at the "traveling evangelists". We get a lot of those at our house. LOL

  2. They are so much fun...I like to just let them talk, they will eventually dig their own hole. :)

  3. That is like upstairs for me. We do all their work and when they mess something up it is our fault they did it wrong not their's.

  4. i prefer the Traveling Wilburys myself.
