Friday, November 13, 2009

And now for something completely different

I'm going to institute a new thing here on confessions...every Friday I'm going to ask the Five Favorite Flicks question. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to see if you can narrow down you faves in said category. So here goes....

Since today is Friday the 13th I thought we should kick off our Friday Fest with Five Favorite Fright Flicks. These can be anything that startled, scared or just generally creeped you out. I'm a person who is easily scared so no laughing at my top five because the generally public will most likely find them lame...but they scared me.

Secret Window - I can't look at a black wide brim hat the same

Psycho- A boy's best friend shouldn't be his mother...

Halloween- Yuck, William Shatner never looked so bad...or maybe he did?

Skeleton Key- Love that voodoo that you do so well

The Shining- and I thought I liked the mountains of Colorado

Alright guys...I've showed you mine. Now you show me yours!

Sound off....


  1. ooh... this could be fun!

    #5 - Event Horizon - the freakiest space movie ever!

    #4 - Friday the 13th - first ever slasher I saw, and I'm still haunted by the last scene on the lake

    #3 - Silence of the Lambs - maybe I'm a baby, but it was weeks before I stopped peering into the shadows looking for Dr. Lecter.

    #2 - The Fog - an obscure classic that will set your nerves on edge for a LONG time

    and my #1 scariest movie of my viewing life isn't even a theatrical release!

    #1 - IT Pennywise the Clown is no joke.

  2. I'm not much of a scary movie guy, so I'll name 5, without even assuring you their my faves:

    Reasonably recent movie: Sixth Sense
    Starting to get old: Silence of the Lambs
    Oldies but goodies: The Shining (w/ Nicholson, not the newer one), Poltergeist, Lady in White

    My faves would be just about any of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 movies…

  3. Lately I *cannot* type the correct there/their/they're. I may have to hire a proofreader for web comments.

  4. I'm not really into scary movies, but recently we saw Sweeney Todd, and that was pretty creepy.
