Around this time of year I really start to miss my childhood. Now is the time in Frankfort that we let our crazies out of their pens and take them all downtown. Some call it Holmes Street Mardi Gras, some call it redneck round-up, officially it is called Capitol Expo. It is also the kick off to summer. Now I say all this to say that my father's band was kinda a staple at Expo every year.

Now I was the oldest of three girls (altogether now, "Poor Daddy") so it was my job to be the unofficial roadie. This was a job that I could really get behind. I got to take the instruments from the van (mini-van, that is) and carry them BACKSTAGE. I know, right!?!?! How cool was I?!?!?
Have you ever seen the movie A Mighty Wind? Yeah well, I knew those people. They were all backstage at my da's concerts.
Sadly, my dad doesn't play much anymore. I really miss that life. Now had I been even the least bit intelligent I would have learned to play an instrument that paid, and it wouldn't have had to end. But, that is a tale for another time. Some kids miss the summer camps, some kids miss the summer vacations.... I miss my job as a roadie with a string band. Draw your own conclusions.
I would love to have a Bald Knob String Band CD. Does such a creature exist? Trout Truck, Propane, Socks Without Partners, Fish Fry and the lot.